October 22, 2024

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Which profiles to recruit to manage the digital marketing of your company

4 min read
digital marketing

You want to internalize the digital marketing of your company, but you may not know which profiles you need to recruit  or train … we are going to try to list the different professions and profiles necessary to manage digital marketing at the advertiser to help you choose. This is not an exhaustive list but you will still have a large enough panel to choose your future collaborator.

The digital marketing strategist

curriculum vitae He generally has several years of experience in companies for which he has implemented major marketing strategies . He knows the issues and knows how to communicate with management on the objectives to be achieved. He will be the pilot to whom you will entrust the steering wheel to take you far. He manages production teams and successfully challenges external agencies.

danger-recruitment This profile is expensive because it has experience and it is paid for. He will have to be accompanied either by an agency or by one or more collaborators to translate the ideas into tools (videos, design, SEO, SEA, …) because very often he knows how to manage but does not have the time or the know-how to produce itself.

post-profile Very useful profile for large structures or groups that have long-term needs to support them on strategy, ideas, advice… it may however be unsuitable for smaller companies that want quick results and not Dear.

The writer / Ux writer

curriculum vitae The web editor or UX writer generally uses words as well as UX and SEO , so he is the perfect profile if you have blog article type content writing needs. But it will also be very useful for rewriting your pages such as “know-how, history, who we are” or even “product sheets and category listings”.

danger-recruitment He is very competent in words but don’t count on him to do math … So beware of requests for analytics or KPIs that are not necessarily his responsibility.

post-profile It is an ideal profile if you are in the process of redesigning your site or better, if you are starting an inbound marketing strategy because it will manage the writing of quality content for you.

THE SEO manager

curriculum vitae More versatile than the copywriter, the SEO manager knows how to write but also knows the numbers , KPIs and analytics well. He also has the ability to delve into the source code of a page to extract useful information for natural referencing.

danger-recruitment He is not as good as the writer at finding the sentence that will sum everything up in 6 words, but he will be able to place the keywords in strategic places on your pages and position your site in the best search engine results .

post-profile This is the profile for you if you have stats that show your SEO is only generating 15-30% of your audience . You will need to give him some time to analyze the reasons for these low data, but he will then be able to improve your site accordingly.

THE community manager

curriculum vitae The CM or community manager is the one who will manage your social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, …) and promote your company in social media. He will manage organic as well as paid advertising campaigns . Much of his time is spent moderating, responding, and engaging with community members and other communities.

danger-recruitment A true alchemist of gifs, emojis and #hashtags, on the other hand, he is often confined to a mission that can quickly become daunting , he will quickly need broader challenges while keeping time for his main mission.

post-profile If you are thinking of recruiting a community manager when you are in the midst of crisis management on social networks, it is unfortunately too late… On the other hand, if you wish to improve your image and promote your offers on social media, this profile is made for you.


curriculum vitae The traffic manager is the perfect profile to manage advertising campaigns, SEO, emails, display, adwords, etc… he is the guarantor of good deliverability, audiences, conversions, campaign optimizations. He has a broad vision of communication tools and will be able to interpret KPIs and monitor objectives.

danger-recruitment It is quite versatile but suddenly it can be a bit expensive. Be careful not to aim for this kind of profile if you only have social networks to manage, for example, because it will quickly go around in circles.

post-profile This is the right profile for a company that already has a lot of marketing and communication tools in place. He knows how to clean, optimize, measure and make all of this profitable in order to deploy actions on a larger scale over time.


curriculum vitae A highly specialized profile in database analysis, the data analyst is a data and segmentation virtuoso. It will be able to extract previously invisible information and reveal very useful trends for your marketing objectives.

danger-recruitment He is not in his role if you ask him to manage acquisition campaigns or create emailing, you must bear in mind that this profile is very specialized in his field, so do not plan to entrust him with communication overall.

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